Speaker, Writer, Scholar, Storyteller, and Performer Kitty Oliver. Looking for something different? Oral Historian Dr. Kitty Oliver presents thought-provoking, entertaining, inspirational Race and Change Conversations that build bridges in culturally-diverse organizations and communities, and across generations.
Popular Presentations Include:
“Race and Change Across Cultures and Generations” – A multimedia program featuring older and younger voices – native-born and immigrant – exploring how far we’ve come and how progress can be made in a hopeful way that inspires our youth.
“An Evening (or Afternoon) of Jazz and Multicolored Memories” – A professionally-staged cabaret performance of jazz vocals and oral histories on race relations across cultures that takes audiences on a poignant, inspirational journey through Race and Change experiences in America.
Take a look on YouTube:
Press Kit Available
For more information and bookings, contact:
Kitty O. Enterprises, Inc.
1323 SE 17th Street, #108, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33316
(Phone) 954-382-0793
or email KittyO@KittyOliveronline.com