Voices of Race and Change – Radio Programs Dr. Kitty Oliver.
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Producer/host, “Voices of Race and Change: The Younger Generation” a webcast radio program featuring poignant, insightful reflections on race and ethnic relations by American-born and immigrant college students and teens and educational resources available for download for further conversations in your school or community.
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Dr. Kitty Oliver is a veteran journalist and academic, an author and oral historian, a media producer, and a professional singer with an MFA in Creative Writing, specializing in literary nonfiction and memoir, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies, focusing on race and ethnic communication.
A product of the civil rights era who came of age with integration in the U.S., she brings an innovative perspective to race and ethnic relations sharing research and stories across cultures in Race and Change dialogues where people can explore race in a hopeful, progressive way.