
Posts filed under: Kitty Oliver A south Florida Historian

Dr. Kitty Oliver Oral History Projects. Author, oral historian, and media producer Kitty Oliver has a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies focusing on race and ethnic communication and an MFA in Creative Writing. She pioneered The Race and Change Dialogue model...
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Florida Journalist Educator Author Dr. Kitty Oliver. Dr. Kitty Oliver is a veteran journalist and academic, an author and oral historian, a media producer, and a professional singer with an MFA in Creative Writing, specializing in literary nonfiction and memoir, and...
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Her Voice: Best Practices for Editing Your Work Doctor Kitty Oliver. Focusing on professional techniques to shape your writing for an audience, this class aims to sharpen your writing and making it more compelling to readers. Participants are encouraged to bring...
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Kitty Oliver Oral History Projects. Author, oral historian, and media producer Kitty Oliver has a Ph.D. in Comparative Studies focusing on race and ethnic communication and an MFA in Creative Writing. She pioneered The Race and Change Dialogue model for...
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Oral History Projects. Dr. Kitty Oliver is an oral history consultant working with educational and community organizations to develop and teach courses and conduct projects for the purpose of presentations to the public as well as archival research. She is...
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